My First Hand Experience of Sudarshan Kriya and Happiness Program | Art of Living |Spiritual Travel

{ **Raw Spirituality -> Truth minus Noises ; based on personal experiences over the years while being on Spiritual Journey at Enlightenment & You**  or Join us at Instagram : Inside Out with Rahul Yuvi @ Instagram . See you there ! }

“Every obstacle has an opportunity!” This is one of the most motivating quote, we all keep hearing. But, I got to experience the true essence of this profound one-liner, when I faced a drastic downfall in my life. My health wasn’t good, I lost my decently good-paying yet amazing job and my relationship was also undergoing a bad phase too. In short, I was at the rock-bottom phase of life.

There is another quote “When Nothing Goes Right, Take Left”! Though this quote is said in a humorous manner but it does make a sense, sometimes. So, when nothing was going “Right” in my life, I decided to take a “Left”. That left was attending the Art of Living – Happiness program.


What is the Art of Living – Happiness program all about?

As the same suggest “Art of Living”, it teaches us the right way of living (not just surviving) in the world, which is full of chaos. Many of us, fall in the trap of “OVER”; OVEReating, OVERthinking, OVERworrying and OVERworking, which makes our lives worse than hell. This program is designed to help up OVERcome this “OVER Factor”

The dominant part of the Art of Living – Happiness Program is a unique and intense breathing technique. In this program, breath is used as an instrument to restore body, mind, and spirit into their natural cadence. This technique is given a name “Sudarshan Kriya” which is originated by the founder of Art of Living Foundation – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. In addition to teaching and performing Sudarshan Kriya, this happiness program is loaded with fun activities, which are suitable for every age group. These activities are tactically designed to teach us the lessons for life and make you grounded.

All this form an amazing 3-day workshop (earlier it was a 6-day workshop). I had a transformation experience during this workshop.

What do I want to share about Happiness Program?

  • Sudarshan Kriya is Powerful

We often hear meditation calms down the mind, it helps you release the stress, etc. on the very first day of the workshop, and I didn’t feel any difference at all during the Kriya. My mind was as anxious as it was earlier. I even doubted my decision to join the workshop. Nevertheless, day 1 passed and I came back home. To my surprise, I slept so well that night after many months.


This was the very first positive experience that I had with Sudarshan Kriya.

In the next session (on Next day) I could actually feel the state of calmness and Trans, which actually helped me release the pain I was feeling in my back and shoulders since past few months.

For me this was miraculous!

With every passing day of the workshop, I had experienced not only mental benefits but also on physical levels. This was for the first time, that I realized that there are health benefits of meditation too.

Sudarshan Kriya is a combination of Pranayama, Aum Chants, a specific breathing pattern (initiated by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) and the moments of deep silence.

(Please note that just like any other practice, practitioners are not supposed to share the entire process in detail. No one can teach you anything better than the trained teachers).

It’s been six years that I am practicing Kriya and I can claim undoubtedly that I m a much healthier and happier person than before.

  • Happiness Program isn’t dull

The most common conception about any spiritual workshop is that they aren’t interesting and there is only a flow of bookish Gyan. But this is not true with this workshop. The fun activities, humorous interpretation, and interactive environment makes it really interesting.


It brings out the hidden (sometimes dead), child inside you. Some of the activities are designed to help you to effortlessly release the guild, anger or anger from the past you are holding, through fun and laughter.

  • Teachers of Happiness Program are the Guys (and the girls) next door

The best part about the program is that the teachers are highly interactive and talk to you as if you are a close friend to them. Although, there is no provision of sharing your problems with anyone (the whole idea of this program is to go within and look for the solution to your own problem.), but the wonderful teachers are always there to listen out to you if needed.

These teachers are highly educated and well-spoken.

  • Happiness program is a perfect blend of Modern Science and Spirituality

Well, I think spirituality is a deeper science than modern science. Inner science certainly was discovered way before human beings invented even a bicycle. Solutions to all the problems, mankind is facing today lies within. All we need to do it is shut down the outer distraction and get inside to look for the solution.

This is the core of the AOL-Happiness program. In the program, they have touched the common problems such as the effects of influence of others and how to deal with the expectations of the others, overuse of technology and how to overcome the addiction, priority setting and time management, team management and much more. All this is taught in the form of fun-filled activities and question-answer session.

In general, no one will surely get bored during the entire course.

Bottom Line

It doesn’t matter, which form of meditation you follow, it should uplift you and help you tackle the stressful situations of life.

Art of Living – Happiness program not only gives you a meditation modality – Sudarshan Kriya, but in just 3 days, 3 hours a day, it will raise your positive vibration making you happier, joyful and stress-free.

It also helps you to release the painful past, move on and stay in the present without worrying about the future.


In simple words, you just liberate yourself from the past & future and enjoy the present moment where life actually exists.

Do you meditate? Have you experienced any improvements in your life through meditation? Please do share your thoughts and opinions in the comment box.

PS: What I have shared in this post is strictly my opinion and experience with AOL and Sudharshan Kriya. I do not intend to hurt anyone’s believes.

 About the Author

Jais is a Lifestyle blogger and a passionate practitioner of yoga and meditation. She’s a creative-writer, confident, Nature Lover, Animal Lover, an observer, a traveller on the path to self-discovery. Focused on Raising Happiness level and simplifying life. Love to Live. Live to Love. She blogs at Get Set Happy.


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Namaste & take care  till our next post ! Would love to hear from you in the comments below !!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on Inside Out With Rahul Yuvi and commented:

    When we decided to accept this guest post and go live with it, we never knew it will be among most popular posts on our Blog. Its been 1.5 years since it was published but our dear readers keep visiting this post and hence a Re-Blog !! Thank you Readers !!


  2. Hello Chandra.. Different people have different experiences and I fully respect your views.. But then experience shared in this blog is that of a person other than me & You dear (Refer Author Details), so lets respect this particular opinion too.

    Having said that , as far as my own learnings & experiences over last 6 years of Spiritual journey are concerned , I am very clear about the fact that No one , I repeat, no one can help other person to get enlightened or awakened or can impart Spiritual inner peace/happiness called Bliss to others – not even our loved ones , even if they wish to. Yes one can certainly guide but journey has to be one’s own. Quest for self is essentially an individual journey which may appear lonely for substantial period of time till one starts experiencing that divine feel in small bytes initially which subsequently gets prolonged to relatively longer phases.

    After going through so many things, reading so much stuff online & offline , watching YT videos of a number of wise persons including Jiddu Krishnamurthy ji, Osho , Ramana Maharshi ji and after having tried quiet a few meditation techniques during my initial years , Today, I, with full conviction, would strongly like to suggest every seeker – There isn’t any need to go anywhere , there is absolutely no need to join any program or sect per say .

    Just try doing 5-7 common Meditation practices for 2-3 months each, “Religiously & with Utmost Honesty”. See which particular one seems most enriching to you, which one actually triggers that Spiritual tinge within you. That’s it. Just hold onto this alone and keep going. Keep on doing Dhyan (Meditation) with that particular technique at your home itself .Try to increase sitting over a period while maintaining proper postures (backbone must be erect,rest postures are advisable).

    Do it for 6-7 months ( no fix time, its different for everyone) and You yourself will be pleasantly surprised to see how Nature /Universe /Energies / Almighty – whichever way you may address it to – will automatically start guiding you in right direction. And when experiences will be of your own, doubts & apprehensions will automatically cease to exist…May Almighty Bless us all with Grace !


  3. Chandra says:

    Art of Luvung org is a business andnprofit oruented only.

    Veey Bad experience with last happiness program.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sheetal says:

    I have started to doing daily Sudarshan Kriya at home and already completed 15 days.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nour says:

    This looks pretty amazing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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